

9 November 2022
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New EasyLog XL features

The new firmware version of EasyLog XL implements some very useful new features for plant management.

In particular, they allow:

  • events management
  • e-mails sending
  • APIs communication management

Event management makes it possible to define an event related to the read ModBus variables and to establish an action against this event.

A classic example could be:

If the temperature value is higher than a defined setpoint, perform one of the following actions:

  • Send a ModBus command to perform a particular operation
  • Send an e-mail notification to contact persons

With these new features, EasyLog XL gets to the heart of process control by interacting with the user on the basis of predefined events.

The API implementation allows interaction with the EasyLog XL to view and download stored files.

These operations are very convenient for automating typical Industry 4.0 processes.

New EasyLog XL features
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